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Something Fishy

Something fishy happened at the lake in March! Diana from J and D Fisheries, Larry Trumbull and Ben Booth added 1,000 rainbow and cutthroat trout to our resident populations in Eagle Lake. Community anglers will be dreaming about the “big one” that might grow from this group.

Beyond the lake, EL Water and Sewer Systems were a big topic of conversation at the April Board meeting. The WASS Committee and Ben Booth have devoted many hours, phone calls, system tests and manual labor to bringing us back into compliance with DOH expectations after years of neglect. We’ve had good news from the DOH recently in that we are no longer considered a “disaster” but rather a community who is working hard to bring our system into compliance with state and county regulations. The DOH is very supportive of Eagle Lake and is allowing us to take the time we need to complete system tests, make repairs and submit our manuals.

Our fire suppression work on Girl’s Island created an opportunity to open up the area for community use. Jim Johnson is spearheading the project and will be seeking support in design and execution of a use plan. Please contact Jim if you’re willing to help design and coordinate the Girl’s Island Project. A summer work party will be scheduled and we’ll all have the opportunity to contribute our labor.

You may have seen Bob Santonocito out inspecting our roads and consulting with experts. Ben Booth’s diligence in pothole patching, cleaning out culverts to keep water off the roads and quick response to issues have been effective. It looks like we will not need major road repairs this year.

Don’t forget to put our Annual Meeting August 6th on your calendar. We look forward to seeing your there!

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